
Take you time. Slow down, look again and see…


We are extremely lucky to have mindfulness consultant, Ruth Davey as part of the MLB team.

To find out more about Ruth, visit the meet the team section.

What is mindfulness?

For many, we carry out mindfulness activities without even realising and that’s what we absolutely love! We don’t want to be explicit or preach to our audience. This won’t be for everyone and that is absolutely fine.

Mindfulness involves often sitting silently and paying attention to thoughts, sounds and the sensations of breathing; connecting with our surrounding. Working with Ruth we often invite our audience and community to simply look again at the world around us; to stop and pay attention to things we might normally just pass on by. For many its just a case of giving yourself (and allowing little ones) a little bit more time and headspace, removing ourselves and our families away from technology and the pressures that engulf us.

Working with Ruth Davey and Look-Again

Look Again’s core values are: simplicity, integrity, equality, courage and looking after the Earth. We very much mimic these values.

We enjoy working with Ruth and challenge her to weave mindfulness themes and activities into our books, often providing us with a list of useful tips and activities to try with little ones. Children don’t need to know that this is explicitly mindfulness. This is more about allowing children to be children; allowing them to be inquisitive and interested in nature and the world around us. It’s okay to study the detail of something and ask why, for example.

If you’d like to understand more about Mindfulness and particularly mindfullness photography, visit Ruth’s website at:



The Great British Wildflower Hunt


Printing our books